As a hunting consultant, my experience and advice is free to you. I will connect you with the right outfitter based on your personalized needs, unlike booking agents who are under contract to fill openings. My success is tied to providing you with honest and accurate advice that translates to success for everyone involved in your adventure. This enables you, the hunter, to benefit from my knowledge, experience and relationships with outfitters across the globe.
Having hunted with or personally visited over 90% of the outfitters that I work with, I am committed to providing the hunting experience you are seeking. I only work with experienced veteran outfitters that are customer focused and trusted. Tell me about your interests and I can find the right hunt for you. It’s what I do!
After scheduling a call to discuss the type of hunt, budget, expectations, and schedule, I can match you with a quality, trusted outfitter. Once your trip is booked, I will assist you in every way possible to ensure your adventure is the trip of a lifetime.
Travel tips and knowledge are one of the most important services I provide. No one wants to be stuck at an international border without the right forms or have meat go bad because of poor shipping or travel choices. I am here to guide you through the entire experience and ensure you get to your destination and back with a smile on your face.
Give me a call so we can discuss your next adventure. 2013 spots are already filling fast!
–Gary Young